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Registration of Political Parties - 2025 (Application) | த |
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Notice - Notice under Section 7(4)(a) of the Parliamentary Elections Act No. 1 of 1981 |
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Parliamentary Elections Act No. 1 of 1981 - No. 2263/23 - 21.01.2022 |
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Parliamentary Elections Act of 1981 no. 1 - No. 2404/64 - 2024.10.04 |
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2404/64 - Act of Parliament No. 1 of 1981 |
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Schedule (A) (Symbols allotted to political parties) / Schedule (B) (Symbols not allotted to the political parties) |
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Orders issued under Sub-section 8(9) of the Act relating to the provisions of Section 7 of the Act with respect to the recognition as a political party under Sub-section 8(9) of the Parliamentary Act No. 1 of 1981 |
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Registration of Political Parties - 2022 Application | |||
Notice Under Section 7 (4) (a) of the Parliamentary Elections Act No. 1 of 1981 |
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Parliamentary Elections (Amendment) Act, No. 58 of 2009 |
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Parliamentary Elections Act, No 01 of 1981 (Available only in Sinhala) |
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